Written By Haniss Haidi, Research & Advocacy Analyst of Bait Al Amanah and Nurzahira Azreen Mohd Zahid, Vice President of Kita Selamat
Advocating for an Inclusive Workplace in Organizations and Campuses: This podcast is a collaborative work between Bait Al Amanah and Kita Selamat in conjunction with the International Women's Day. #KitaSelamat is a student-led campaign championing in raising the awareness of sexual harassment in university campuses through education and advocacy. It features collective dialogue between Bait Al Amanah's Research and Advocacy Analyst, Haniss Haidi; Social Activist and Women Empowerment Advocate, Annsley Dashawna. The session is moderated by Kita Selamat's committee member, Batrisyia Zumli.

On 8 March, the special Women's Day episode, covered:
Activism and advocacy in our place of work
Complexities of gender-related microaggressions
Male ally in amplifying the voices of women on the workplace and campus
By the end of the session, listeners would be able to explore issues related to inclusivity, diversity, equity and allyship in various contexts including the workplace, campuses and society as a whole.
Standing Up and Speaking Out: Advocating for Gender Equality in your Place of Work
"Are there any policies or guidelines at the university or at your workplace that address gender discrimination and harassment?"
Annsley Dashawna clarified that unclear Standard of Operations Procedures (SOP) in reporting a sexual harassment case within campus grounds become apparent day-by-day. Implementation of insufficient policy will incite fear towards victims of sexual harassment where they tend to not report the incident due to bureaucratic inefficiency.
Policy Recommendation: As a Project-Based Research Intern at Policy+, Marsha Phoebe offers her views as a fellow listener regarding creating safe spaces on campus. Guidelines should not only involve Faculty members, but also by the student body (with expert accompaniment). An effectively communicated SOP at the smallest units in campus needs to be implemented. Students need to have the autonomy, right to information and education to the right to be involved in reporting assistance.
Complex Interplay of Gender-Related Microaggressions
During the second part of the podcast session Batrisyia made an in-depth exploration in addressing gender-based microaggressions. It created a forum on the interplay between gender and deeply ingrained patriarchal structures that are pervasive in workplace and academic settings, often to the disadvantage of women.
"Women's voice is not lost; they just require empowerment to speak up and it is time for people to be motivated to listen to them"
- Haniss Haidi, Research & Advocacy Analyst at Bait Al Amanah
(Social Policy & Human Rights)
Microaggressions are a subtle but an effective tool in power play, as it can be difficult to identify and address. Over time, these experiences can erode women's self-esteem and confidence- constraining her capacity to take risks and make decisions that might challenge the status quo.
Leading with Empathy and Allyship
"Should men play an integral part in achieving an inclusive place of work?"
Uplifting women is not a zero-sum game as we can prepare men to be active promoters of change. But it should be emphasized that the role of an ally is not exclusively reserved for men nor gender-specific; women and organizations with similar mission should also work towards promoting an inclusive workplaces and campuses for marginalized groups. It is only fair to uphold agency for women to foster a culture of support and solidarity among women as they are deeply rooted into the systemic form of discrimination. Plus, educating women on their rights can be a means to empower them.
The full report and podcast recording are attached below
Full report:
Podcast Recording: